Network Cabling & Infrastructure

- Cabling Runs (Cat 5/6)

Wiring is the backbone of any business network. We have a dedicated engineer which can run CAT5 cables around your building both internally and externally and terminate them to wall sockets, switches, wiring cabinets etc. Cat 5 runs can be used for both data and phone connections.

- Cable testing
Our engineers have all the necessary equipment to find any faults on your network. We can install, fault find and replace patch panels within your organisation. We also offer a label and port mapping service.
- Patch Panels install

We can install, fault find and replace patch panels within your organisation. We also offer a label and port mapping service.

- Small Wireless Solutions (office)

Wireless internet is critical for the modern office, even if PC’s are hardwired in many workers use phones, tablet, laptops etc. that require a mobile connection. We have multiple solutions for the small to medium size office for connecting all of your devices.

- Large Wireless Solutions (Hotels, Caravan Parks)
We have a lot of experience dealing with large wireless infrastructure. We have successfully installed systems in hotels, holiday and caravan parks. We offer several systems from free at point of use, to user paying for a set amount of time to access.
- Wireless Bridges (linking two buildings together)
There are often times when a network needs to be extended between two different buildings and cat 5 runs are either too expensive or impractical. In these instances, we can create a “wireless bridge” that will link the two together.
- Roaming Wireless Solutions
Roaming wireless solutions are fast becoming the norm but do require a bit more setting up and some specialist equipment. In a traditional Wi-Fi network, a user connects to either a router or access point, each of these devices have their own name (known as an SSID). When moving across a large area you move between one device to the other you need to manually change the network you are connecting to on your device. With a roaming wireless solution there is a controller monitoring all devices and it automatically switches the device to the router access point that has the strongest signal.
- Resellable Wi-Fi Solutions (Hotels, Campsites etc.)
Resellable Wi-Fi solutions are popular in hotels and some clubs. These can work in a variety of ways including the length of time (i.e. a 24-hour period) or the amount of data used (i.e. 500GB). The end user then purchases the rights when they connect to the wireless internet generating a revenue stream.
Some of our support clients include :

Basic Brief

The client moved into a new building with no existing infrastructure. Our brief was to install the cabling in trunking and terminate all the data points.

The solutions put into place:

  • Installed 300M of cabling
  • Terminated to wall sockets
  • Terminated to wiring cabinet

 Guide Price :  £800+ VAT

Basic brief

The client had basic wireless but wanted to cover the entire office.

to achieve this we added two additional access points

Guide Price : £260+ VAT

Basic brief

The customer had two farm storage buildings approximately 150m apart but had a clear line of site. Both buildings needed linking together, running a cable between them wasn’t feasible. We therefore needed to link them together with a wireless bridge.

Installed wireless bridge

Guide Price :  £380+ VAT

Basic brief

The client had a hotel with around thirty rooms. They wanted the entire building to have Wi-Fi coverage, and for the guests to pay for access in 24 hour blocks.

A solution was provided linking together several access points with a wireless controller allowing for roaming within the building and connecting to a payment gateway to accept payment.

Costs to install 10 wireless access points, cabling and implement a payment gateway system

Guide Price:   £3500+ VAT